International Guild of Professional Anarchists
Alex and Adrian's Unattended Baggage
Episode #044 - The Dangerous World of Black Market Hairdressing

Episode #044 - The Dangerous World of Black Market Hairdressing

Alex says you can learn a lot about a man by his T-shirt collection, Adrian finds a crowded bar, why hairdressers are now like drug dealers, this ain’t my “new normal” pal, COVID-19 has a high business mortality rate, and we ramble on with a nonsensically profound steady stream of consciousness.

International Guild of Professional Anarchists
Alex and Adrian's Unattended Baggage
Alexander Snitker (libertarian-Republican political hack) and Adrian Wyllie (born-again anarchist and political has-been) banter, blather and joke about current events, while attempting to figure out whether to keep trying to salvage our Constitutional Republic, or just stock up on marshmallows to roast on the smoldering embers of society.