In our 100th episode we unload some baggage when Alex realizes all that hate is burning him up -- not keeping him warm, Adrian’s fortress of solitude is under siege by his mother-in-law, how the FDA approved a drug that kills people because it’s worth $100B, Trump’s Bitcoin comments are 4-D chess for ages 3&up, and we’re wondering whether we just jumped the shark.
Episode #100 - Attending to Personal Baggage
Jun 12, 2021
Alex and Adrian's Unattended Baggage
Alexander Snitker (libertarian-Republican political hack) and Adrian Wyllie (born-again anarchist and political has-been) banter, blather and joke about current events, while attempting to figure out whether to keep trying to salvage our Constitutional Republic, or just stock up on marshmallows to roast on the smoldering embers of society.
Alexander Snitker (libertarian-Republican political hack) and Adrian Wyllie (born-again anarchist and political has-been) banter, blather and joke about current events, while attempting to figure out whether to keep trying to salvage our Constitutional Republic, or just stock up on marshmallows to roast on the smoldering embers of society.Listen on
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