Unattended Baggage Episode #162: So, can we call this Civil War II yet?
Unattended Baggage Show Notes
Episode #162: So, can we call this Civil War II yet?
Adrian wonders why the universe wants him to think Kylie Minogue is pregnant, Alex learns first hand that politicians don’t keep promises, Biden uses dystopian imagery to effectively declare war on MAGA-Americans, all signs point to Trump being a Chinese/Russian/Saudi spy, Rubio’s fundraising letter sounds like an Indian phishing email, California bans gas AND electric cars, and Texas says a fetus isn’t a person when in a car.
Hour 1: https://unattendedbaggage.podbean.com/e/episode-162-so-can-we-call-this-civil-war-ii-yet/Â
Hour 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-162-hour-71473717Â
Hour 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-162-hour-71473727Â
If you would like to become a member of unattended baggage go to www.patreon.com/unattendedbaggageÂ
Quote of the week
The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, "See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk".
Harry Browne
The Uniter in Chief threatens the populationÂ
Read: Transcript of President Joe Biden’s speech in Philadelphia
Democrats meltdown after CNN hosts criticize Biden's speech
Video of Joe Biden Saying 'F-15' Viewed Over 2M Times as President Mocked
White House defends presence of Marines at Biden speech
Definition of fascism
1often capitalized: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
Florida Seminole County GOP office vandalized: ‘eat s— fascists’
Maybe it’s time for the silver dollar to come out…
Silver Dollar Bet (Trump in Jail by Jan 1st, 2025)
Was Trump Selling Access to Top Secret Documents?
Feds cite efforts to obstruct probe of docs at Trump estate
Former top DOJ official: Graham warning of ‘riots’ if Trump is prosecuted ‘incredibly irresponsible’
48 classified document jackets were empty - where did documents go?
Trump demands reinstatement as 'rightful' president or 'a new Election, immediately!' as some Republicans seek distance from him
FBI responds to Zuckerberg's claim on Joe Rogan that Facebook limited Hunter Biden story after agency warning
Rats on a sinking ship and all
Sen. Warren ‘very worried’ the Federal Reserve ‘is going to tip this economy into recession’
Florida Woman DancesÂ
'That wasn't good': Florida woman, 38, tries to avoid DUI with Irish folk dancing moments before unimpressed cops arrest her after she was 'unsteady on her feet'
DeSantis: The Anti-Queer Crusader
In 1947, Florida shut down a famous drag club. The state has resurrected the case to do it again.
Maybe it’s time to take global warming seriously
Greenland ice loss will raise sea levels by nearly one foot by 2100, study shows
Are you trying to get Terminator?
One potential side effect of AI? Human extinction.
That McDouble is Union Made
California lawmakers approve landmark fast food workers bill
Next Decree from California Government:Â Just Walk
California asks residents not to charge electric vehicles, days after announcing gas car ban
Cotton blames the addition of more choicesÂ
After Sarah Palin's election loss, Sen. Tom Cotton calls ranked-choice voting 'a scam'
Lockdowns caused damage Who could have seen that coming?
CNN Medical Analyst Says Masking Stunted Her Toddler’s Language Development—and Taught Her an Important Lesson about Tradeoffs
Young Adults Used Pot and Psychedelics in Record Numbers Last Year, While Adolescent Drug Use Fell Sharply
New Yorkers Under 21 Can't Buy Whipped Cream Cans
Why is housing so high?
Selling a Home? The D.C. Down Payment Assistance Program Will Give You Up to $202,000.
Good Guy should have had a gun
Safeway worker tries to disarm gunman before being shot, killed in Bend grocery shooting
Just love that free press
Klobuchar's Media Bill Won't Save the Press
Nebraska High School Shuts Down 54-Year-Old School Newspaper After Students Publish LGBT Pieces
Well if it is a child then HOV away
Pregnant Texas woman says she’s gotten second traffic ticket claiming fetus lets her use HOV lane
Kyiv claims Russian forces are starting to retreat as counteroffensive begins; 'we will chase them to the border,' Zelenskyy says
Pathetic Little Marco
I'll be blunt, Friend.
My biggest deadline of the year is here, and if we don't raise enough to meet my August End of Month Goal by midnight, you can say goodbye to Trump's legacy.
Here are the facts:Â
Fox News said my race will be the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history.
My opponent outraised me FIVE QUARTERS in a row.
My opponent’s last financial report showed she raised more in just one month than I did in THREE months.
My opponent got ads up on TV a full MONTH before I was able to get TV ads on air.
Two polls show her ads are working and we’re TIED.
I need you to listen to me, Friend. If Democrats expand their total control of the Senate, we can kiss Trump’s legacy goodbye! Please rush in $18 to the most high stakes Senate race before midnight >>