Adrian sells out to get the “V”, Alex does happy family picture time, everyone gets banned from social media and less people care, even Snake Pliskin couldn’t escape DC inauguration lockdown, the border wall grew by 15 miles under Trump, one man’s protest is another’s insurrection -- and vice versa, and hackers say All Your D*cks Are Belong To Us.
Episode #079 - QAnon Pillow Talk
Episode #079 - QAnon Pillow Talk
Episode #079 - QAnon Pillow Talk
Adrian sells out to get the “V”, Alex does happy family picture time, everyone gets banned from social media and less people care, even Snake Pliskin couldn’t escape DC inauguration lockdown, the border wall grew by 15 miles under Trump, one man’s protest is another’s insurrection -- and vice versa, and hackers say All Your D*cks Are Belong To Us.